Makarska Touristik



Below you will find Makarska Touristik’s personal data policy, which contains information about how Makarska Touristik collects, uses, shares and protects personal data.

1. Responsibility for your personal data and other Makarska Touristik websites and catalogs are owned and maintained by MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo
Any inquiry regarding data protection can be addressed in writing to the following e-mail address:
[email protected]
MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo is responsible for the correct processing of personal data that you send to MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo. MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo stores and processes your personal data in accordance with the laws in the field of data protection and privacy.

2. Information that is collected and processed

Information about the tenant:

When you order to rent a holiday home from MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, we process the personal data you provided in connection with your booking. Typically, this is your name, address, telephone number, possibly an email address and payment information.

Information about the homeowner:

If you decide to rent your holiday home through a brokerage agreement with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will process the personal data you provided in connection with the conclusion of the contract. Typically, this is your name, address, telephone number, possibly an e-mail address, bank account information and information about your holiday home.


When you use the MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo website, we collect data about your use of the website via cookies. For more information about cookies and how we use them, see MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s Cookie Policy.

3. Purpose of processing personal data

The personal data you provide to MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo may be used for various purposes depending on your relationship with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, for example:

• to complete your booking if you make a booking with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo
• to fulfill MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s obligations related to the agency agreement if you rent your holiday home through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo
• for statistical purposes, to optimize rentals and improve MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s service for you
• to personalize repeat visits to MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s website
• to inform you about offers and other services that MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo believes will be of interest to you
• to process customer service inquiries, and
• to send you information that you have requested.

4. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

If you book a holiday home through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo or conclude a brokerage agreement with Makarska Touristik, you will receive specific information about the legal basis on which your personal data is processed.
We process personal data on the basis of one of the following legal bases:
Performance of a contract

With the tenant:

If you book a holiday home through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo processes the personal data you provide when making your booking because this is necessary to carry out your booking and to fulfil the rental agreement. If you are not willing to provide this information, we will not be able to complete your booking.

With the homeowner:

If you conclude a brokerage agreement with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will process the personal data you provide in connection with the conclusion of this agreement, as well as information about your holiday home, because this is necessary to carry out and optimize the rental and to enable MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo to fulfill its contractual obligations. If you are not willing to provide this information, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will not be able to fulfill its contractual obligations.

Legitimate interest


If you book a holiday home through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo processes the personal data you provide when booking because MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo would like to contact you with good offers. This processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interest of MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo to maintain contact with you in the hope that you will rent a holiday home through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo in the future. You can therefore assume that Makarska Touristik will contact you with offers on an ongoing basis.


If you conclude a brokerage agreement with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will process the personal data you provide in connection with the conclusion of this agreement because MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo would like to contact you after the expiration of the brokerage agreement with offers to resume cooperation with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo. This processing of your personal data is based on the legitimate interest of MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo in maintaining contact with you and thus increasing the possibility of being able to resume cooperation with MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo. You can therefore assume that MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will contact you after the expiration of the brokerage agreement with offers and information that are relevant to you in connection with a statement on resuming rental through MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo.

You have the right to request that MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo stop sending you advertising material at any time. You can do this by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]


MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo uses some personal data for statistical purposes in order to optimize MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s service to you. This processing is carried out on the basis of MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s interest in providing the best possible service.
MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo sometimes passes on encrypted e-mail addresses to Facebook and Google, among others, so that they can arouse interest in MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s products, services and concepts on behalf of MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo and encourage users to visit MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s website. MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo also uses its customer data for online review sites, including Trustpilot, and you may therefore receive a message in which MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo asks for your comments in connection with your stay in the holiday home and/or the services you received from MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo. This processing is carried out on the basis of the interest of MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo to organize MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s marketing in a targeted manner and to provide the best possible service.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the above purposes at any time. You can do this by sending an email to the following email address:
[email protected]


MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo does not pass on your personal data to business partners so that they can contact you separately with good offers, etc., unless you have given your separate consent for this.

If MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo uses photos or videos of you for marketing purposes, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will ask for your consent before using them.
You can always withdraw your consent by sending an email to the following email address: [email protected]

Compliance with a legal obligation

If a legal obligation to process data is established by law, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will also process your personal data on the basis of this legal obligation.

5. Disclosure of personal data

MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will, to the extent necessary, pass on relevant personal data to landlords/tenants, other companies in the MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo group, business partners such as travel agencies, rental portals, credit card companies, insurance companies and cleaning companies, as well as public authorities with a view to carrying out and optimizing the rental and thus fulfilling MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo’s obligations, collecting correct and secure payment or to the extent required by applicable law.
If you have given your separate consent to this, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo will pass on your personal data to selected business partners with a view to them being able to contact you separately with good offers, etc. You can always revoke your consent by sending an email to the following email address:
[email protected]

MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo transfers personal data only to countries outside the EU/EEA to the extent necessary and only to those countries where MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo has ensured appropriate guarantees for an adequate level of protection, either because the European Commission has made a decision on the adequacy of the level of protection in the country in question, or through the so-called “Privacy Shield” program or through standard data protection provisions issued by the European Commission. You can request more information about this by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]

6. Period for storing personal data

MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo stores your personal data only for the period necessary for the relevant purposes or in accordance with applicable laws. MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo deletes your personal data when its storage is no longer necessary.

7. Your rights

You have the right to be informed about what data MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo has collected and to have data amended if it is inaccurate. You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data being processed.
You have the right to have your personal data erased if the information is no longer necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or if the processing is unlawful.
You have the right to request that MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo restrict the processing of your personal data.
You have the right to request that MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo stop sending you promotional materials.
You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have your personal data transmitted to another controller if technically feasible.
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
You have the right to withdraw your consent if MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo processes your personal data based on your consent.
Any request regarding your rights can be made by email to the following email address:
[email protected]

8. Other homepages

MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo website may contain links to other websites. This personal data policy applies only to MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo website, so if you use links to other websites, MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo recommends that you read their personal data policies.

9. Updating Makarska Touristik’s personal data policy

MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo regularly revises its personal data policy and publishes all updates on the MAKARSKA TOURISTIK doo website.
This data policy was last updated in May 2018.
Any query regarding data protection can be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address:

[email protected]