Makarska Touristik

day trip Makarska

Day trip from Makarska

The town of Makarska is in an enviable location, close to many natural beauties and historic towns, which distance is ideal for a day trip and sightseeing. Experience Makarska holidays. Dubrovnik  As one of the most famous destinations around the world, is just an ideal distance from Makarska, two and a half hours of panoramic […]

Nautical tourism

Nautical tourism – central Dalmatia

Makarska Nautical tourism in is one of the most attractive forms of tourism in Croatia. Since the Croatian coast consists of numerous islands, beaches, and ports, it attracts the attention of many for Makarska holidays. The naturally heterogeneous Croatian coastline allows for relaxation and accommodation in diverse environments. There are 718 islands along the Croatian […]

Makarska Water Sports

Water Sports

Water polo is one of the most famous water sports in Makarska. An auxiliary water polo playground is set in the sea at the beginning of each summer season. Children, guests, and all recreational players can play, and enjoy watching it for free in their Makarska holidays.  Also, there is an amateur water polo club […]

Makarska summer

Summer comming 2016

The number of tourist arrivals in Croatia has been rising year after year but our agency is ready to face the challenges and we expect this trend to continue. Tourist seeks for new destination, so beautiful country like Croatia has the advantage. Institute FUR (Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen) from Kiel […]

Croatia summer destinations

Summer destinations Croatia

Croatia is a receptive country, and most of its income directly or indirectly comes from tourism. There are many places in Croatia to visit for summer destinations. Although lately, urban tourism has been developing and guests are coming throughout the year. Croatia is still known as a summer destination with which to connect with the […]

Makarska Water Sports


Whether you are a fan of flying, the deep sea or looking for some other form of excitement, Croatia is a paradise for lovers of active tourism, nature and adrenaline. Dive in and discover hidden wonders of the coast flooded unsurpassed beauty. Explore every corner of wild nature on foot, horseback or bicycle. […]